CLIENT: Sanderson Design Group
Brand: Harlequin, Sanderson, Morris & Co, Scion, Anthology & Zoffany
Sector: Luxury interiors
Objective: To develop and establish tone of voice guidelines for one of the UK's largest home furnishing groups, with variations to reflect the individual personalities of their six well-known brands.
Deliverables: Workshops and training sessions with Walker Greenbank's marketing teams, PDF guidelines and Powerpoint training presentation.
Approach: Created a fun, interactive workshop with marketing teams, to really get them thinking about the personality and identity of each brand. Once established, each brand's personality was then summarised into written tone of voice guidelines and embedded across the group using a series of training sessions and presentations.
Tools: Indesign, PowerPoint, Word
Comment: Engaging stakeholders in this process is key — and works well via the use of workshops. Giving people input and agency means they are far more likely to implement the brand writing style, rather than reverting to 'old habits'.